
Who am I?

An extremely average guy with an interest in fitness, gaming, technology, and being able to help others in my life through my content. I hope that by sharing the fun ways I have improved my health, I can encourage others to do the same!

Why am I doing this?

I was in my mid 20s and I realized I wasn't really taking great care of my health more than the bare minimum. I had already been finding these different apps and games that helped me make fitness more fun, so I figured I would share my journey in trying these out. Although, it took me about 5 years to actually get started. Oh well!

Why not just play games normally?

I find exercising pretty boring, and I find playing games normally pretty boring, so I figured if I could find a way to combine playing games and fitness, it would be fun! And so far it is! Plus, since I am playing games, I figured I might as well stream it! Win-win-win?

Are you a Christian content creator?

Yes, I am a Christian! But I wouldn't say that I make "Christian content". I am a Christian that makes content to improve my health, so I can better help those around me. I believe that one of the most important things about being a Christian is serving others, and that is what I aim to do. Everything I do is because I am a Christian. So yeah, sometimes I might sprinkle in some passages from the Bible, because as a Christian, I see everything through the lens of the Bible. It's just who I am! I want to live out Mark 12:30-31; "...and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”" 

What is Christianity about?

Christianity is about the Gospel, which means, the Good News. Why do we need good news? Because of the bad news! The Bible tells us that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Rom 3:23). So here is why that's bad, followed by the good news, the gospel "the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom 6:23). So how do you get this gift of eternal life? "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16). For a slightly more in-depth explanation, here's an 8-minute explanation of the Gospel on YouTube: The Gospel | Paul Washer 

How can I learn more about Christianity?

Read the Bible! I know it's intimidating. But if you want to learn more about Christianity, I recommend starting from the book of Luke, in the ESV or NASB1995 versions (They are both great literal translations from the original texts, but many people tend to find the ESV easier to read, while the NASB can be a bit more rigid. I love and have used both! If you're still having a hard time with the ESV, the NIV is a fine alternative as well). Luke details the story of the life of Jesus himself. And if you want to know more, go do the next book, John, which is still about Jesus, and more about the importance of the identity of Jesus. And if you want to know more, Acts, which is about the early church after Jesus. And if you still want to know more, Romans, which teaches about many important aspects of Christianity, like why Jesus had to come in the first place! And luckily all these books are in order, so you can just start in Luke, and keep going! Here's a link so you have no excuse 😁 And if you want to continue reading more of the Bible, here is a great list of other books of the Bible to start reading!